Who are we?

The company was established in 2020 with the aim to bring a major change in the construction sector by contributing to the growth of our economy, introduce quality rigid construction work and also help in eradicating the high numbers of unemployment rate in our country. We focus on building, structural repairs, tiling, paving, plumbing, painting, electrical works and drywalling.

We are dedicated to delivering excellent services to our distinguished clients and aim to turn their dreams into a reality and turn every project we touch into a paradise on earth. 

We always consider our African weather conditions when embarking on our construction projects and ensure that we use the necessary quality materials for the said project. Given the economic conditions of our country, we liaise with our clients to ensure that their budget does not become a hindering block of their desired project and we go beyond our call of duty to source the best team, materials and most importantly, invest our time in the project to render a remarkable service.

Our mission is to create a long term clientele value by going an extra mile in terms of quality, longevity and safety in our scope of work. We envision our company to be a leading construction company in the market, to provide the highest level of impeccable service while offering superior craftmanship to every project we work on.

Bashumi Mmogo Construction (Pty) Ltd.  21 Nyarhi Road, Xubene Section, Tembisa
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